3D Secure Guide

When 3D secure is activated on a channel and a card enrolled, the payment workflow changes from synchronous to asynchronous (see Asynchronous Workflow for more information). This means that if you have enabled 3D secure, you must include the shopperResultUrl in your synchronous requests.

NOTE: For Copy & Pay 3D secure is automatically integrated so it is not necessary to implement anything additional to handle 3D secure

Liability Shift

Transactions that have gone through 3D secure often benefit from a chargeback liability shift (for certain types of chargeback). However, the rules vary from region to region and card scheme.

For detailed rules and regulations regarding the liability shift, please contact your acquirer.

Result codes

Description Result code
3DSecure Error (85) User Authentication Failed 100.380.401
Risk management transaction timeout 100.380.501
PARes Validation failed 100.390.102
3DSecure Error (85) PARes Validation failed - problem with signature 100.390.103
3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112
Authorization Error (95) transaction declined by authorization system 800.100.152
Transaction succeeded 000.000.000
Request successfully processed 000.100.110
Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.112
Card not participating/authentication unavailable 000.400.101
User not enrolled 000.400.102

3D Secure test cards

Brand Card Number / CVV / Expiry Date (MMYY) Return Code Description Return Code ECI flag
Visa 4005559876540 Authorization Error (95) transaction declined by authorization system 800.100.152 05
Visa 4012010000000000009 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 05
Visa 4012001036275556 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 00
Visa 4012001038443335 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 06
Visa 4012001038488884 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 07
Visa 4012001036298889 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 00
Visa 4012001036853337 3DSecure Error (85) PARes Validation failed - problem with signature 100.390.103 05
Visa 4012001036983332 3DSecure Error (85) PARes Validation failed - problem with signature 100.390.103 05
Visa 4012001037141112 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 05
Visa 4005559876540 Authorization Error (95) transaction declined by authorization system 800.100.152 05
Visa 4012001037167778 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 06
Visa 4012001037461114 3DSecure Error (85) User Authentication Failed 100.380.401 07
Visa 4012001037484447 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 00
Visa 4012001037490006 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112 05
Visa 4012001037490014 Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 05
Visa 4716319370304553 Risk management transaction timeout 100.380.501 07
MasterCard 5285601704480326 Request successfully processed 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 02
MasterCard 5388670213787816 Card not participating/authentication unavailable 000.400.101 07
MasterCard 5567269875679677 Request successfully processed 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 01
MasterCard 5172837709537381 Request successfully processed 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 01
MasterCard 5245018215178191 User not enrolled 000.400.102 01
MasterCard 5386024192625914 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112 07
MasterCard 5215203694927708 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112 07
MasterCard 5405531070110469 Risk management transaction timeout 100.380.501 07
American Express 341111597242513 Request successfully processed 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 05
American Express 341111599241000 Request successfully processed 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 06
American Express 374245455400001 Card not participating/authentication unavailable 000.400.101 07
American Express 373953192354008 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112 07
American Express 374500261001009 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112 07
American Express 375705004001005 Risk management transaction timeout 100.380.501 07
American Express 373000000391002 PARes Validation failed 100.390.102 06
Discover 6011000100000003 Request successfully processed 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 05
Diners 36000100123056 Card not participating/authentication unavailable 000.400.101 07
Diners 36000100123064 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system 100.390.112 00
Diners 36000200000014 PARes Validation failed 100.390.102 00
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) 5019994016364194 / 838 / 0125 Transaction succeeded 000.000.000 05
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) 5019994016316467 / 375 / 1023 Transaction succeeded 000.000.000 05
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) 5019994001307083 / 615 / 0521 Card not participating/authentication unavailable 000.400.101 07
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) 4571024600466560 / 140 / 1116 Card not participating/authentication unavailable 000.400.101 07
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) 5019994001368978 / 395 / 0521 PARes Validation failed 100.390.102 07
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) 5019974500138239 / 580 / 0823 PARes Validation failed 100.390.102 07